
Reaching out, or “Outreach” is the manner in which Christians serve. St. Andrew’s Outreach Committee members are committed to God’s commandment to love our neighbors as ourselves. Members coordinate a wide array of outreach projects to support the needy in our community and in the world.
Community outreach includes the annual Angel Tree project to provide clothing and houseware items to the needy; monthly collection of canned goods for the Glen-Ed Pantry; participation in the Meals on Wheels Program through the Main Street Community Center each September; collection of personal care items; donation of scarves and mittens for the needy through the city library; annual back to school collection of school supplies for needy area school children, and the January Souper Bowl Sunday collection of canned soup and pasta for the Pantry.
Parishioners who are interested in participating in this joyful ministry are welcome to join this committee. Contact Michael Barford for further information about Outreach.