Tabora, Tanzania Initiative

Bishop Martins has invited our diocese to contribute to the Tabora initiative in Tanzania. “I have visited the Diocese of Tabora twice and have seen firsthand the conditions under which their clergy labor. From our comfortable western perspective, we would call it nothing less than heroic,” indicates Bishop Martins.
As it celebrates its thirtieth year, our companion Diocese in Tabora is embarking on a campaign to further ensure the future health–quite literally–and flourishing of the Church in the diocese. Bishop Elias is launching a campaign to raise funds in order to provide health insurance at the diocesan level to the fifty clergy and their families who call the Diocese of Tabora home. Startup cost is 12,500,000 Tanzanian shillings, which is roughly $5,500. Once established, the program will cost around $500 a month to maintain.
Contributions to this effort can be made to the Bishop’s Discretionary Fund by mailing checks to 821 South 2nd Street, Springfield, Ilinois 62704. Just indicate that it is for the Diocese of Tabora healthcare initiative. Funds will be collected through September 1.