United Thank Offering

The United Thank Offering was founded as a grassroots network to teach the practice of using thank offerings to deepen our individual awareness of the blessings that God bestows on us each day and to fund innovative ministries throughout The Episcopal Church. Parishioners are encouraged to take home a blue UTO box and use it as a visual reminder to express thanks for our blessings large and small, as well as depositing coins each time as we thank God for them.The boxes are collected and blessed at a spring and/or fall Ingathering in the parish then sent to the Diocese. Thank Offering gives an opportunity to contribute in a meaningful way to mission through daily prayers of thanks for all the good things that we have and can recognize in our lives. In giving thanks with a coin, not only do we offer a gift to someone else, but we also honor the blessing that we are remembering. Jane Weingartner is St. Andrew’s UTO coordinator.