Vestry | Leadership Team

Our nine-member Leadership Team or Vestry constitutes the lay leadership of our parish and they act under the bylaws of our parish. The leadership team meets monthly on the second Wednesday evening and the Rector serves as the presiding officer.

Each year at the parish annual meeting in January, three vestry members are elected by the parish to three-year terms. One member is chosen for a one-year term by the Rector to serve as the Senior Warden and the Rector’s adviser. The Senior Warden has the authority to oversee the parish in the absence of the Rector.

An additional member is annually elected by the vestry to serve a one-year term as the Junior or Parish Warden to manage matters related to the physical property of the church. The parish treasurer, who may or may not be an elected member, attends all meetings. Also, one member serves as the clerk or recorder of the meetings.

Parish committees that are under the oversight of the vestry include Building and Grounds, Columbarium, Communications, Finance, Scrip Program, and Stewardship.

If you have questions for the vestry, email [email protected].