
At St. Andrew’s, the Holy Eucharist is celebrated on Sundays and other special observance days. Many services are live-streamed through Facebook. Each service follows the Book of Common Prayer (1979), and includes Bible readings and a sermon. In addition, on Sunday mornings at ten o’clock and feast days, organ music and singing by the choir and congregation are part of the service. Our congregation enjoys our worship and music as it fills us with joy.

Service Information
Every Sunday Weekday Services Special services such as Ash Wednesday or Good Friday are held on weekdays, usually midday and evening. These services are in-person but also streamed via Facebook …
Church School
St. Andrew’s is a nurturing, child-centered parish that recognizes the vital importance of offering a high-quality spiritual education to its youth. Children age four through 12 may attend. Church School …
Choir & Music Program
The music ministry at Saint Andrew’s seeks to support the worship of a vibrant, singing, and loving congregation. The planning and execution of choral and instrumental music is overseen by …