Flower Guild

The Flower Guild arranges flowers for all Sunday services and some special services. Guild members use florist’s flowers or home garden flowers for the arrangements. Members of the Guild share a love for the earth – for the beauty and fragility of each other and for God’s creation. Every year we invite all parishioners to join us in preparing the church for the Christmas season and for Easter Sunday. Each week one Guild member creates the altar flower arrangement, as well as other small arrangements. New members with some experience in arranging flowers are always welcome but experienced Guild members are also willing to teach others. Gifts to the Flower Fund to honor or remember someone special can be made at any time in addition to ones for Christmas or Easter. Also, a $25 gift to the Flower Guild can pay for altar flowers in remembrance of a loved one or to celebrate their birthdays. Contact Kathryn Biarkis, the current Flower Guild Directress, for assistance.
Link to sign up for Sunday flowers: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040548AFA92AA4FA7-54211158-2025