Sermons at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church: Daily Offices: Fundamentals Past and PresentSubscribe: Direct Link
Feb 16, 2022 |
Daily Offices: Fundamentals Past and Present
| Fr Ben HankinsonDaily Offices: Fundamentals Past and Present
View PDF - Join us online or in person for a 3-week dip into the history and practice of the Daily Offices. 6-7 p.m. on Wednesdays, beginning February 9.
Zoom Information:
- Topic: Daily Office - Wednesday's at 6 p.m.
- Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 509 487 9945
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St. Benedict's Ordering of the Psalms: A monastic pattern for reading all the Psalms in a week (phew!)
Daily Office Development from 1549 to 1979: A side-by-side look at what has changed in Morning and Evening Prayer
Deep Dive Into Morning Prayer: A complete copy of Morning Prayer along with rubrics in red (to help know what to do) along with additional rubrics found before and after the Offices. Then examples of Morning Prayer with all the options included (minus lessons and Psalms) as well as the bare minimum requirements.
Deep Dive Into Evening Prayer: Same as Morning Prayer (above) without the extra rubrics before and after.